速報APP / 生活品味 / Bad Relationship Advice- How To Avoid Ba

Bad Relationship Advice- How To Avoid Ba





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Bad Relationship Advice- How To Avoid Bad Relation(圖1)-速報App

Sometimes we find ourselves in relationships that make us miserable more often than they make us happy, relationships that we know in our hearts are not right, yet still have a hold on us. If you're feeling stuck in a dead-end relationship that keeps drawing you back in, here are some strategies you may not have considered to end it for good and get on with your life.

The app contains tips on:

Bad Relationship Advice- How To Avoid Bad Relation(圖2)-速報App

How to get out of unhealthy relationships,

how to cure bad relationships,

Signs that you are in a bad relationship,

Bad Relationship Advice- How To Avoid Bad Relation(圖3)-速報App

How to end a bad relationship,

Bad Relationship Advice- How To Avoid Bad Relation(圖4)-速報App